Wednesday, May 12, 2010

back and saturated

Hi! I'm back from a very long silence. Things have been really hectic. And when it's not hectic i get very lazy. Blogging took a back seat. Very far back.

I have a lot of things to rant about. I'm back teaching hungry minds. Some minds were very empty that they would ravish anything you throw at them. Some are just too lazy, waiting for anything to be thrown at them. It's the empty heads that's taking its toll on me.

Before you judge me and hail me damned, I am aware that it's my job to educate. However, I am not one of those "educators" who have the compassion and patience to start from scratch. The students I get have mixed levels, are adults with different personalities and lifestyles put together in one class.

I have no patience to consistently correct spellings of simple words or edit sentences with supposed simple grammar. People are stupid because they allow themselves to be one or are happy and content to just be dumb! Don't blame it on lack of education. Get some exposure for pete's sake!

So here I am, correcting answers in essays of simple questions, still recovering from the shock that an adult would spell the word SELLING as SILLING. It was handwritten so no, it could not have been a typo.

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